Caring for a family member or friend in Bristol?


If you look after someone regularly, perhaps a parent, partner, child, sibling, or neighbour or friend, we're here to support you in your caring role.

We work with Bristol City Council to provide a range of free online services to support you, in addition to what is already on offer.

Kick-start with our Email Course

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To kick-start your support from us, sign-up to our five-part email course, designed specifically to help carers like you in Bristol.

Establish strong foundations to your care or double-check you have the essentials in place.


Connect with others in a similar situation

Community and support from other carers is at the heart of what we do. Connect with others who are also looking after a family member or friend in the Mobilise Hub or on our online cuppas.

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Speak to someone

If you struggle to find time to talk to someone about your caring role, our Carer Support Team are available seven days a week including in the evenings and at weekends too.

You’ll speak with another carer about the things that matter to you.

Reach, Engage and Support page

Ask our Mobilise Assistant anything

Whether you're struggling to find help with the cost of caring or incontinence, hospital discharge or respite, our AI-powered Mobilise Assistant is here to help you get quick answers about caring. 

Pop your questions in and get answers in seconds.

Support for you in Bristol

If you find it difficult to do a number of things that seriously affect your wellbeing and content in the Adult Care section does not provide the information you need, you can contact us.

We want to give you as much choice and control as possible about the support that might be helpful to you.

Local carer support services with Bristol

Carers Support Centre is a charity which provides support, information and advice to carers of any age living in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. 

CarersLine is a confidential phone and email information and support service for carers to ask questions or talk about any concerns about your caring role. An answerphone operates outside of these hours and your call will be returned when the helpline next opens. 

Phone: 0117 965 2200

You can also access help from specialist carers organisations who provide information, advice and guidance to help you find practical solutions to address specific challenges, services for your emotional wellbeing, and be connected with other local people in similar situations to you for mutual support.

Age Concern Bristol is an independent local charity, federated to Age UK (as a local partner) working together with and for older people locally, regionally and nationally. All brand partners work to a quality assurance system which ensures quality in all we do with and for older people. Age UK, as the national member, supports and works with local Age UKs, as well as providing leadership in areas like campaigning and policy.

At Alzheimer’s Society we’re working towards a world where dementia no longer devastates lives. We do this by giving help to those living with dementia today, and providing hope for the future.

Chinese Community Wellbeing Society's purpose has always been to break down the isolation experienced by Chinese women and their families, supporting them to overcome language and cultural barriers and access services. We have worked hard at this and developed a good reputation both among statutory partners and the Chinese community.

Bristol Black Carers has been supporting and empowering carers across the whole of Bristol for over 25 years by providing services which encompass their cultural background. We provide person-centred and holistic care, recognising and acknowledging that people from the Caribbean, Africa and Asia, who have vast social and cultural similarities and differences.

Families Also Matter run innovative services to help disadvantaged people and those living on the margins of society turn their lives around. For example: supported housing and drug treatment

Dhek Bhal organise and fund many good causes and projects, that combine to make the area a better place to be.

Rethink Mental Illness are the leading expert charity for people with serious conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. We offer practical help guided by what works.