Caring for a family member or friend in Clackmannanshire and Stirling?
If you look after someone regularly, perhaps a parent, partner, child, sibling, or neighbour or friend, we're here to support you in your caring role
We are working in partnership with the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership to provide a range of free online services to support you, in addition to what is already on offer.
Kick-start with our Email Course
To kick-start your support from us, sign-up to our five-part email course, designed specifically to help carers like you in Clackmannanshire and Stirling.
Establish strong foundations to your care or double-check you have the essentials in place.
Connect with others in a similar situation
Community and support from other carers is at the heart of what we do. Connect with others who are also looking after a family member or friend in the Mobilise Hub or on our online cuppas.
Speak to someone
If you struggle to find time to talk to someone about your caring role, our Carer Support Team are available seven days a week including in the evenings and at weekends too.
You’ll speak with another carer about the things that matter to you.
Ask our Mobilise Assistant anything
Whether you're struggling to find help with the cost of caring or incontinence, hospital discharge or respite, our AI-powered Mobilise Assistant is here to help you get quick answers about caring.
Pop your questions in and get answers in seconds.
Support for you in Clackmannanshire and Stirling
If you're an unpaid carer, looking after someone in Clackmannanshire or Stirling, we’re here to help with practical and emotional support. Remember, you don’t have to wait until the crisis point before asking for help - the earlier you ask, the bigger difference it can make.
Local carer support services with Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Carers Centre
Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Carers Centre supports those of us living across Clackmannanshire who are looking after someone. They offer support to carers 8 and over, including:
- Help to access an Adult Carer Support Plan to see if there’s any help that you might be entitled to
- Help with writing letters and filling in forms; or accompanying you to meetings
- Help to access welfare benefits and grants, such as Carer’s Allowance or Attendance Allowance
- Help to access a short break
- Support to plan for an emergency
- Support when the person you care for is in hospital, or coming home from hospital
- Help to look after your own health and wellbeing
- Signposting to other organisations
- Opportunities to meet other carers at carers groups and social activities
- The chance to improve your skills and knowledge by attending Care with Confidence sessions
- Opportunities to ‘have your say’
Telephone: 01324 611510
Stirling Carers Centre
If we live in Stirling, Stirling Carers Centre offers information and support to those of us caring for a loved one. Including:
- Adult Carer Support Plans
- Benefit checks
- Practical and emotional support
- Registering for a Forth Valley Carers Card
- Short Breaks Grants
We can simply register with them here.
Telephone: 01786 447003
Carers Support Pack / Short Breaks Bureau
A carers support pack includes a range of different helpful carer services that can support you across Clackmannanshire and Stirling.
With Short Breaks Bureau, get information and guidance on carer services to help you take a break from caring. If you would like more information, you can simply email