Our testimonials

Mobilise is now commissioned to provide support to carers in 25% of English authorities - a milestone made possible through meaningful partnerships and the collective commitment to improving the lives of carers.

Stuck at Home - Home Office

Our case studies showcase real-world examples of the challenges faced, innovative solutions developed, and the outcomes achieved through collaboration and quick implementation of scalable, digital solutions. 

Get in touch to see how we could work together to support carers in your area. 

Working with local authorities across the UK 

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Scaling support: 7 lessons I’ve learned from leading Mobilise’s biggest partnership

Written by Head of Partnerships, Dom Taylor
Read how our partnership with 13 local authorities in the North East has supported 50,000 previously unengaged unpaid carers by combining local expertise, digital data-driven solutions, and a personal touch to overcome barriers.

Hands - Map

A regional approach to reaching more carers - West Midlands ADASS  

Written by Head of Partnerships, Dom Taylor
Read more about a collaborative, digital-first approach that reached 48,000 carers across the West Midlands in just three months.

Learn more about where we work.


Tech for Good in Action: How Mobilise is enhancing Carer Support in Shropshire 

With Kate Garner, former Commissioning Service Manager at Shropshire Council


Bridging the Distance: How Mobilise has reached, connected and supported unpaid carers in Highland, Scotland  

With Jennifer Campbell, Carers Services Development Officer at NHS Highland

Testimonials from our partners

"One of the great things about the work we've done with Mobilise is the way we've reached a more diverse group including young adult carers and ethnic minorities."

Jamie Spencer | Head of Insight, Quality, Financial Services and Digital for Camden Adult Social Care

Watch Jamie's Interview

"Mobilise helped introduce support to carers early so they know where to go."

Graham Collins | Chief Excecutive of Carers Centre Tower Hamlets

Watch Graham's Interview

"I'm well aware that many of the staff at Mobilise are or have been carers and it clearly shows in the passion for everything you do."

Jennifer Kennedy | Carers Lead Officer Clackmannanshire and Stirling

Watch Jennifer's Interview


See real examples of the ways carers have engaged with Mobilise for support. 

Maeve, from Essex, who is caring for her partner

Rick, Amara, and Tommy, three carers from the North East of England

Jay, from Lancashire, who cares for both her partner and her Dad