Caring for a family member or friend in South Tyneside?

If you look after someone regularly, perhaps a parent, partner, child, sibling, or neighbour or friend, we're here to support you in your caring role.
We work with South Tyneside Council to provide a range of free online services to support you, in addition to what is already on offer.
Kick-start with our Email Course

To kick-start your support from us, sign-up to our five-part email course, designed specifically to help carers like you in South Tyneside.
Establish strong foundations to your care or double-check you have the essentials in place.

Connect with others in a similar situation
Community and support from other carers is at the heart of what we do. Connect with others who are also looking after a family member or friend in the Mobilise Hub or on our online cuppas.

Speak to someone
If you struggle to find time to talk to someone about your caring role, our Carer Support Team are available seven days a week including in the evenings and at weekends too.
You’ll speak with another carer about the things that matter to you.

Ask our Mobilise Assistant anything
Whether you're struggling to find help with the cost of caring or incontinence, hospital discharge or respite, our AI-powered Mobilise Assistant is here to help you get quick answers about caring.
Pop your questions in and get answers in seconds.
Support for you in South Tyneside
If you're a carer supporting someone in South Tyneside, we’re here to help with practical and emotional support. Remember, you don’t have to wait until crisis point before asking for help - the earlier you ask, the bigger difference it can make.
Support for adult carers from Connected Caring
Support for adult carers in South Tyneside is provided by Connected Caring , this is a partnership between Age Concern Tyneside South (ACTS), Vision and Hearing Support and Your Voice Counts. The service is available to carers from the age of 18.
Contact Details:
Telephone: 0800 304 7724
Facebook: Connected Caring
South Tyneside Young Carers Assessment and Support Service
This service is for young carers up to the age of 18 and is delivered by TEN, part of Groundworks, bringing together the young carers assessment and support service and the young carers respite service.
Contact details:
Tel: 0191 4272795 or 07387109388
Facebook: South Tyneside Young Carers
Age Concern South Tyneside
For those of us over 50, Age Concern South Tyneside offers a range of support. Including:
- Information and advice on advocacy, benefits, financial planning and more
- Practical and emotional support when leaving hospital
- Home support, from a day out to shopping
- Physical activities for a range of fitness levels
- Social activities, from lunch clubs to history projects
- Advice and solutions to reduce falls at home, fitting aids and adaptations to support independent living
Discover more of what they can offer today.
Your Voice Counts
Your Voice Counts is a charity that supports people with learning disabilities, autistic people and people who are at risk of exclusion due to disability, illness or other challenges. Offering many different services including:
- How an advocate can help
- A library of resources on NHS complaints and self-advocacy
- Cook with us as home online sessions
- Creative online classes for some fun and crafts
- Weekly drop ins for those with learning disabilities, autism and carers at the Boldon Community Association
Discover more of what they can offer today.
Vision and Hearing Support
Vision and Hearing Support, support people with visual impairment and who are deaf or hard of hearing in South Tyneside. They make sure people have choice and control over their lives and help others better understand the impact of sensory loss.
Discover more of what they can offer today